Apk with game builded (preloaded inside)


there is an undocumented standalone mode which has some shortcomings (that’s why we don’t publicly advertise it):
It extracts the whole game out of the APK on first startup and wastes lots of internal storage this way and you can’t access the application settings. One new developer wanted to improve this (read assets directly from APK) but no idea if (and when) he will finish, hopefully in a month or two.

To activate the mode you have to put your game files in “assets/game”.

There is currently no guide available concerning compiling the Android version for Game developers. It is more work then just taking the files as for the web player. You have to setup the Android SDK and modify some parts of the sourcecode (different package name, replace assets, …) and sign the files with your key. Do you have any Java & Android programming knowledge?

You are the first person interested in such a feature. I can try to prepare a guide next weekend.