Attack pattern conditions for enemies are ignored in EasyRPG player. (RPG2003)

Attack pattern conditions for enemies are ignored in EasyRPG player. (RPG2003)

This can be tested near the beginning of Vampire Chronicles 2 when battleing the Elementar on the top of Drakes’ tower. Prior to this battle the main character reverts to Level 1 and is powerless against this foe, so the conditions are set so that the enemy always skips its turn until another character is switched in mid-battle.
In normal RPG_RT play this works fine and the Elementar won’t use any damage-inducing attacks before the second phase. But EasyRPG player ignores the Switch condition which results in an impossible-to-win battle and instant gameover.


Did you use the continuous build from the bottom of the download page or is outdated by now, but there wasn’t a new release yet (will be likely in July).

I was using the latest official release…
I just tested the scenario with the most up-to-date build and everything seems to work like intended. :+1: