Yeah, rewards seems harder to define with open source projects, but because the software is a service, rewards could be something like make ready more ports (iOS, Android, etc.), custom assets, custom features, official customer support, etc.
Mailpile is a good example of a recently successful open source project funding: … -mail-back (note the custom themes reward by $2k)
The player interpreter RTP point of view is to make RPG Maker games playable without installing non-free original RTP and this whould require some RTP-compatible assets with similar descriptions, eg. some NPC mentions in games physical features about some RTP character… “it’s a magician with a X color hat”, we should have some support for this. Another thing to take in care is to keep some RTP style because most games which use RTP assets have they own custom materials mixed, and a very custom RTP replacement might look ugly if they are very different from used game assets. An example of RTP Chara1.png made by MarinaNT is here: … Chara1.png
Current installed replacements are in TestGame project folders: … tGame-2000
Critical assets are: ChipSet/Basis.png (flat ugly placeholder), CharSet/Chara1.png, GameOver/GameOver.png, Title/Title*.png, System/System.png
Missing critical assets: Vehicle.png (vehicles are not implemented yet)
Critical 2003-specific assets: BattleWeapon/BattleWeapon.png (not implemented, there is 1 material at the wiki)
Missing critical 2003-specific assets: System2/System2*.png (partially implemented?)
Because replacing 465* material files is a huge amount of work (*original 2000 RTP number of assets), the game interpreter could have an asset replacement system for limited materials, allowing to replace multiple names with a common asset. This does not make a rich experience in games but at least might make more games RTP independent. I’ve made a list of shareable 2000-2003 monster assets and other miscellaneous tables here: … -2000-2003
Some kind of monsters are similar, and while most materials are far to have a replacement, a possible solution is to classify by type and make them in groups to show the same common replacement. Currently, EasyRPG Player has a 2000 RTP table with Japanese-English equivalcene to play Japanese RPG Maker games with English RTPs (2000 Don Miguel’s RTP and 2003 RPG Advocate’s RTP for now), so, similar equivalence tables might be adjusted to fit multiple assets from the same. I have a RTP backup with original filenames UTF8 compatible here (warning: original Enterbrain’s RPG Maker RTP materials, don’t spread this link).
However, I agree a fresh custom style with a small amount of homogeneous materials might be very good, for a complete suite with a game editor. Or rebase some arts from the Liberated Pixel Cup assets (however, they have RMXP-like resolution).
Because the project is very limited with graphic resources, it would be worth a character generator based on partial chara assets (hair, face, etc.) allowing hue adjust, like VX Ace but for 2k/3 materials, charas-project like.
Anyways there are lacking of organization and proposals around RTP solutions, most documented work and proposals are in the EasyRPG wiki and some forum debate. Feel free to consider how to handle this based on current info or rewrite current ideas and proposals.