Force close when game selected

I tried the games Laxius Power 1, 2 and 3 on the alpha version of Android EasyRPG.

Sadly, Laxius Power 1 did not get detected while when I selected Laxius Power 2 and 3 I got a force close.

I tried this on the Samsung Galaxy 3 running Cyanogen Mod 7.2 (Android 2.3.7).

Please help. Looking forward to the development of Easy-RPG for Android.

Also, download links for the Laxius Power series if you need them:

Laxius Power 1: … addons.exe
Laxius Power 2: … %201.2.exe
Laxius Power 3: … atches.exe

These games were made on RPG Maker 2000 but I don’t know why they are not working. :frowning:

Laxius Power 1 has renamed files to make editing them in the editor more difficult. I guess the RPG_RT.exe was modified to be able to work with them.

Map files have from ending. Is “ont” must be “lmu”.
Same for database: Rpg_rt.set -> RPG_RT.ldb
And map tree: Rpg_rt.lxb -> RPG_RT.lmt

We can’t really workaround this, please rename all files correctly…

Laxius Power 2 has hidden files to make seeing them in the Windows explorer more difficult (not an issue for the Player).
The game autocloses after the EasyRPG Logo under Windows (that never happened before o_O)

Laxius Power 3 has hidden files to make seeing them in the Windows explorer more difficult (not an issue for the Player).
The game autocloses after the Title scene under Windows (that never happened before o_O)

Laxius Power 2 contains modified headers for the Database and other files to make editing them in the editor more difficult. The RPG_RT.exe is modified to be able to work with them. But the Player supports this “feature”, too.
The game fails because it tries to load a XYZ graphic file that has a PNG file ending (this is on our Todo list: Detect image files correctly by reading the header), this causes an error in libpng and libpng terminates the program because there is no error_handler assigned -.-

Laxius Power 3: I guess the same issue.

I’m not sure if I can necro this thread,however I found a solution to decrypt the files!If it’s allowed,I can post it here.

Hi, EasyRPG Player can load modified database, map and maptree file headers if the filename is OK.
About xyz renamed into png, you can rename the extension for them, too. However, Player should open them ignoring the extension. In case this is not working is a bug because RPG_RT.exe can load them without modifying it.
At least it works for renamed audio files, e.g. issue #74. This should be fixed for images if not working.

Feel free to post your details, they are your files and I guess you didn’t disassemble the app to do it, probably it is just black-box testing. This is OK, we use clean room design for the development, both ways are not infringing original software clauses.

You need to open the ldb,lmt and lmu files either with a notepad or a hex editor.(I suggest hexplorer due to ease of use).
Upon doing that,replace bytes 2 to 11 in ldb file with LcfDataBase,bytes 2 to 11 in lmt with LcfMapTree,and bytes 2 to 11 in lmu files(maps) with LcfMapUnit.Make sure you backup first!One wrong byte can completely break the application.
They are using a header with a random generated string to be unopenable in the editor,instead of the default one which we’ll be replacing.
You can also modify the RPG_RT in some parts to open with the new headers,but I guess the player doesn’t need it to be modified.

Can you allow Laxius Force sagas to be played on android phones?