Hello I have a little question regarding RTP

I choosed the topic of RTP replacement since it looks to be the right one I guess

Well, I installed the EasyRPG program on my Wii flash USB, and now I installed the Japanese RTP into my computer without errors(I use applocale)

If I find the RTP files of the japanese version of RPGMaker2k and just paste it on the RTP folders, will it work? I’m playing a game that doesn’t have support for the english RTP at all. (OG Mogeko Castle)

You can put the RTP in /data/rtp/2000 and /data/rtp/2003 on your SD card or on USB.

You can choose any version of the RTP you want. EasyRPG Player will detect that the game needs the Japanese RTP and redirects it to the English one.

Thanks! It worked. I’m at the moment trying to configure the translation thing tho, but I think that’s up to the game compatibility

There is a known bug that prevents translations from being loaded in some cases. Is possible you will be affected by it.

There will be a fix for it in the next release. We try to get it out before new year.