Help with Web Player stuck on "Preparing"

Hello there. So following the setup I was attempting to put my game on the browser and I’ve already run into an issue where it is eternally stuck on “Preparing… (0/1)” I’m also using Maniacs Patch for this RM2K3 project as well with EasyRpg.
Is there a possible conflict with the Maniacs Patch and the Web Player? I’ve included a screenshot of how the folder is setup. Just in case it might be another issue I’m overlooking. Thanks!

Hi, did you use a webserver (like python -m http.server as explained in the guide)? Double clicking the index.html does not work.

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Also you need the index.json (created by gencache) in the game directory.
If the game directory is not named default you will need a query parameter as well (?game=The%20Game)

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Good call. I was able to get it up in running on localhost after using python at least. The next issue I would probably have is how do I host it on a site like As you said double clicking the index.html file provided won’t work and uploading it just leaves it blank, but it seems as if I do need to upload an html file for the web player to work on that site.

Make sure you have uploaded, besides index.html, the index.wasm and index.js in the same path, as the guide shows. It won’t work otherwise.