How do I download Witchs Hearts Bonus Stage?

I tried using the tut but I cant find my save files help​:disappointed_relieved::sob:

The game works but you cannot find the saves?

The save location depends on whether the game launches from a ZIP archive or is extracted:

When its a ZIP archive you find the saves in “Save/ZIP_NAME/…”

When the game is extracted you can find the saves directly in the game directory (the one with all the MapXXXX.lmu in it)

I still can not find the save files :(( I recorded it to show u what I mean :sob: I’m kinda stupid lol

The game is in a ZIP archive. This means you will find the savegames in a subdirectory of the easyrpg/save folder.

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TYSM!!! I finally figured it out!! :blush: