How do I run the engine and test the test-game included?

Hi all,
How do I test the test-game included ?

I did try and run :-

~/games/easyrpg/bin$ ./EasyRPG_Player

And it ran and shut down because it couldn’t find the database file and hence was shutting down when I hit another key.

Looking forward to know more.


I just create a symbolic link in the TestGame-2000 folder then I run ./easyrpg-player from it

cd path/to/TestGame/TestGame-2000
ln -s ~/games/easyrpg/bin/easyrpg-player

There is a issue in the tracker to create a game browser GUI to prevent the missing database message. Current behavior is the same as the original RPG_RT.exe


I just create a symbolic link in the TestGame-2000 folder then I run ./easyrpg-player from it

cd path/to/TestGame/TestGame-2000
ln -s ~/games/easyrpg/bin/easyrpg-player

There is a issue in the tracker to create a game browser GUI to prevent the missing database message. Current behavior is the same as the original RPG_RT.exe[/quote]

Ah o.k. found where the game is :-

~/games/easyrpg$ find -name TestGame

cd lib/TestGame/TestGame-2000

~/games/easyrpg/lib/TestGame/TestGame-2000$ ln -s ~/games/easyrpg/bin/easyrpg-player

I did that and still get the missing database message, can you share me the issue no./ticket no. so I can follow it.


I just create a symbolic link in the TestGame-2000 folder then I run ./easyrpg-player from it

cd path/to/TestGame/TestGame-2000
ln -s ~/games/easyrpg/bin/easyrpg-player

There is a issue in the tracker to create a game browser GUI to prevent the missing database message. Current behavior is the same as the original RPG_RT.exe[/quote]

Ah o.k. found where the game is :-

~/games/easyrpg$ find -name TestGame

cd lib/TestGame/TestGame-2000

~/games/easyrpg/lib/TestGame/TestGame-2000$ ln -s ~/games/easyrpg/bin/easyrpg-player

I did that and still get the missing database message, can you share me the issue no./ticket no. so I can follow it.[/quote]

Did you try to run easyrpg-player from there?

Please list files in that folder to ensure there is a RPG_RT.ldb file, it should be:

Now this turns curiouser and curiouser .

~/games/easyrpg/lib/TestGame/TestGame-2000$ ./easyrpg-player
bash: ./easyrpg-player: No such file or directory

~/games/easyrpg/lib/TestGame/TestGame-2000$ ll easyrpg-player 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 shirish shirish 46 2013-04-12 19:52 easyrpg-player -> /home/shirish/games/easyrpg/bin/easyrpg-player

 ll is an alias for ls -l 

~/games/easyrpg/lib/TestGame/TestGame-2000$ ls
Battle          Map0002.lmu  Map0009.lmu  Map0016.lmu  Map0023.lmu  Map0030.lmu  Map0037.lmu  Map0044.lmu  Map0051.lmu  RPG_RT.ldb
BattleWeapon    Map0003.lmu  Map0010.lmu  Map0017.lmu  Map0024.lmu  Map0031.lmu  Map0038.lmu  Map0045.lmu  Map0052.lmu  RPG_RT.lmt
CharSet         Map0004.lmu  Map0011.lmu  Map0018.lmu  Map0025.lmu  Map0032.lmu  Map0039.lmu  Map0046.lmu  Map0053.lmu  Sound
ChipSet         Map0005.lmu  Map0012.lmu  Map0019.lmu  Map0026.lmu  Map0033.lmu  Map0040.lmu  Map0047.lmu  Music        System
easyrpg-player  Map0006.lmu  Map0013.lmu  Map0020.lmu  Map0027.lmu  Map0034.lmu  Map0041.lmu  Map0048.lmu  Picture      System2
GameOver        Map0007.lmu  Map0014.lmu  Map0021.lmu  Map0028.lmu  Map0035.lmu  Map0042.lmu  Map0049.lmu  RPG_RT.exe   Title
Map0001.lmu     Map0008.lmu  Map0015.lmu  Map0022.lmu  Map0029.lmu  Map0036.lmu  Map0043.lmu  Map0050.lmu  RPG_RT.ini

~/games/easyrpg/lib/TestGame/TestGame-2000$ ll -h | grep  RPG_RT.ldb
-rw-r--r-- 1 shirish shirish 186K 2013-04-10 00:23 RPG_RT.ldb

Looking forward for info.

Pretty strange.

Try copying the binary itself,

And try to run it again

Perhaps it might require execution permissions:

Oops, mistake on my part. The binary which results from compilation is EasyRPG_Player and not easyrpg-player as I had shared.

Did the symbolic link and it works :-

~/games/easyrpg/lib/TestGame/TestGame-2000$ ln -s ~/games/easyrpg/bin/EasyRPG_Player
~/games/easyrpg/lib/TestGame/TestGame-2000$ ./EasyRPG_Player

I get the music and and if I press Enter I get a minimap with number of characters in a town minimap with a forest around and everything.

Good :slight_smile: you can talk with the first character after the bridge, this is a event test room, each character goes to a sub-room with specific tests.

If you detect any unreported difference between EasyRPG_Player and RPG_RT.exe behavior feel free to create new GitHub issues to keep tracking of all of these.