Moving from RPG Maker 2k to 2k3 (Steam version)


Last night I decided to move my project from RPG Maker 2k to 2k3, both in their Steam versions.

To do so, I simply opened the project from the rpg maker 2k3 editor and, when opening the database and saving, the program told me that everything should be updated to 2k3 format, which I clicked.

I was aware that everything related to battle systems and other terms would be modified or lost, but there is no problem with that.

The problem is that there are two things that still do not work for me, even after having reset the battle system (the program´s default battle system):

  1. Everything works wonders, except for the “CBA” animations, that is, my character, for example, does not come close to attack or does not show the weapon when attacking.

I read that, apparently, this is not yet ready in the Easy RPG, but anyway I take the opportunity to confirm if this is the case.

  1. I don’t know why, but when the party characters level up, the message of “Level Up” or of learning a new “Skill” does not appear.

So is there a way to achieve these things? I am especially interested in the second one, since it is vital to have those warnings to be able to play.

I am using Easy RPG Player version from the latest official release.

Side note: I tried Easy RPG Player version 0.6.2 and BOTH things work for me (point 1 and 2), but, I don’t know why, using that version there are problems with some events, music start, teleportations to wrong places , among others…

I hope you can help me, excuse me throughout the post.

Thank you in advance !!!

PS: sorry if the wording is not so clear, I used google translate

Hello, thank you for your report. In everything related to CBA was not implemented, this is only available for the upcoming version, so you tested the “continuous build version” (it is identified as 0.6.2 plus over a thousand of changes) to be launched as 0.7.0 soon. This version has CBA implemented (except few features) and that’s the reason they work for points 1 and 2 for you.

However, the issues you are getting with events, teleports and other, could you elaborate? there could be regressions, engine version misdetection (the easyrpg_log.txt file gives details on this) and other causes. Or consider creating issues for Player on GitHub for each.

If the music issue is a problem when fade in is set and playing silent, this is a regression and has been fixed recently and soon to be available in a continuous build update.

Thank you very much for the quick answer!

Now I understand, I am glad, then, both functions are implemented in the next version.

Regarding the music, I understand and great that you have already been able to fix it.

The topic of events has to do with teleportations and parallel events. Specifically, the instruction is for the character to move towards a place and thus activate an event (hero touch), but in specific events it misread some instructions, for example: the screen should go down 1 tile, but it does not go down; or the character must walk 10 steps, and walk 9. Now, I could fix it manually, but it is strange because it only happens to me in build 0.6.2 plus, so I imagine that since they are unstable versions these things happen, but I wanted to report it .

If I discover more parts of the game where these are unconfigured (in both cases related to movement triggered by parallel process), I will see in issues.

Thanks again!

Just in case, I leave the report of the easyrpg_log.txt

(It is the version with the audio problems and the events).

[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: EasyRPG Player 0.6.2 (git~1326@309b22e9, 2021-08-29) started
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: ============================================================
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Clock: StdSteady steady=true period=ns (1 / 1000000000)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Seeded the RNG with 1630283686.
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: CLI: 
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: SDL2: RendererInfo hw=true sw=false vsync=true
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: SDL2: Detected format (0) SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888 : rank=(2)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: SDL2: Selected Pixel Format SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Error opening dir languages: No such file or directory
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Game and Save Directory:
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: 1: [Native] 
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Loading game Zerra´s  Adventure
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Using RPG2k3 (English release, v1.11) Interpreter
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: MP3 file (Adventure Island II - Map.mp3) found
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: RPG2k >= v1.50 / RPG2k3 >= v1.05 detected
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Engine configured as: 2k=false 2k3=true MajorUpdated=true Eng=true
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Adding C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RPG Maker 2003\RTP to RTP path
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: RTP is "Official English" (675/675)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Patch configuration: dynrpg=false maniac=false
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Cannot find: ./ExFont
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Loading ExFont from RPG_RT.exe
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: EXEReader: BITMAP not found.
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 3: Removing item 24 (of type 6) from equipment slot 1 (needs type 1)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 3: Removing item 44 (of type 8) from equipment slot 2 (needs type 2)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 3: Removing item 53 (of type 0) from equipment slot 3 (needs type 3)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 3: Removing item 67 (of type 0) from equipment slot 4 (needs type 4)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 3: Removing item 76 (of type 0) from equipment slot 5 (needs type 5)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 5: Removing item 44 (of type 8) from equipment slot 2 (needs type 2)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 5: Removing item 53 (of type 0) from equipment slot 3 (needs type 3)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 5: Removing item 67 (of type 0) from equipment slot 4 (needs type 4)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 5: Removing item 76 (of type 0) from equipment slot 5 (needs type 5)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 7: Removing item 487 (of type 0) from equipment slot 1 (needs type 1)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 7: Removing item 44 (of type 8) from equipment slot 2 (needs type 2)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 7: Removing item 53 (of type 0) from equipment slot 3 (needs type 3)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 7: Removing item 67 (of type 0) from equipment slot 4 (needs type 4)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 7: Removing item 80 (of type 0) from equipment slot 5 (needs type 5)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 10: Removing item 18 (of type 6) from equipment slot 1 (needs type 1)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 10: Removing item 67 (of type 0) from equipment slot 4 (needs type 4)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 10: Removing item 76 (of type 0) from equipment slot 5 (needs type 5)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 13: Removing item 44 (of type 8) from equipment slot 2 (needs type 2)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 13: Removing item 53 (of type 0) from equipment slot 3 (needs type 3)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 13: Removing item 67 (of type 0) from equipment slot 4 (needs type 4)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 13: Removing item 76 (of type 0) from equipment slot 5 (needs type 5)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 17: Removing item 44 (of type 8) from equipment slot 2 (needs type 2)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 17: Removing item 53 (of type 0) from equipment slot 3 (needs type 3)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 17: Removing item 67 (of type 0) from equipment slot 4 (needs type 4)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 21: Removing item 400 (of type 0) from equipment slot 1 (needs type 1)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 22: Removing item 18 (of type 6) from equipment slot 2 (needs type 1)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 22: Removing item 53 (of type 0) from equipment slot 3 (needs type 3)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 22: Removing item 67 (of type 0) from equipment slot 4 (needs type 4)
[2021-08-29 20:34:47] Debug: Actor 22: Removing item 76 (of type 0) from equipment slot 5 (needs type 5)
[2021-08-29 20:34:48] Debug: Loaded Map Map0104.lmu
[2021-08-29 20:34:48] Debug: Tree: TITLE SCREEN < INTRO < IDEAS < MAPA PRINCIPAL
[2021-08-29 20:34:56] Debug: Loaded Map Map0019.lmu
[2021-08-29 20:34:56] Debug: Tree: INTRO DEMO < INTRO < IDEAS < MAPA PRINCIPAL
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 3: Removing item 24 (of type 6) from equipment slot 1 (needs type 1)
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 3: Removing item 44 (of type 8) from equipment slot 2 (needs type 2)
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 3: Removing item 53 (of type 0) from equipment slot 3 (needs type 3)
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 3: Removing item 67 (of type 0) from equipment slot 4 (needs type 4)
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 3: Removing item 76 (of type 0) from equipment slot 5 (needs type 5)
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 5: Removing item 44 (of type 8) from equipment slot 2 (needs type 2)
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 5: Removing item 53 (of type 0) from equipment slot 3 (needs type 3)
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 5: Removing item 67 (of type 0) from equipment slot 4 (needs type 4)
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 5: Removing item 76 (of type 0) from equipment slot 5 (needs type 5)
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 7: Removing item 487 (of type 0) from equipment slot 1 (needs type 1)
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 7: Removing item 44 (of type 8) from equipment slot 2 (needs type 2)
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 7: Removing item 53 (of type 0) from equipment slot 3 (needs type 3)
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 7: Removing item 67 (of type 0) from equipment slot 4 (needs type 4)
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 7: Removing item 80 (of type 0) from equipment slot 5 (needs type 5)
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 10: Removing item 18 (of type 6) from equipment slot 1 (needs type 1)
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 10: Removing item 67 (of type 0) from equipment slot 4 (needs type 4)
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 10: Removing item 76 (of type 0) from equipment slot 5 (needs type 5)
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 13: Removing item 44 (of type 8) from equipment slot 2 (needs type 2)
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 13: Removing item 53 (of type 0) from equipment slot 3 (needs type 3)
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 13: Removing item 67 (of type 0) from equipment slot 4 (needs type 4)
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 13: Removing item 76 (of type 0) from equipment slot 5 (needs type 5)
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 17: Removing item 44 (of type 8) from equipment slot 2 (needs type 2)
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 17: Removing item 53 (of type 0) from equipment slot 3 (needs type 3)
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 17: Removing item 67 (of type 0) from equipment slot 4 (needs type 4)
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 21: Removing item 400 (of type 0) from equipment slot 1 (needs type 1)
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 22: Removing item 18 (of type 6) from equipment slot 2 (needs type 1)
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 22: Removing item 53 (of type 0) from equipment slot 3 (needs type 3)
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 22: Removing item 67 (of type 0) from equipment slot 4 (needs type 4)
[2021-08-29 20:35:03] Debug: Actor 22: Removing item 76 (of type 0) from equipment slot 5 (needs type 5)

Oh so you are already using the continuous build. Then this is a new bug that must be fixed. We rewrote many parts of the interpreter to make it more accurate but looks like we missed some edge case again :confused:

Could you provide the game that exposes the bug? If this is not possible (unreleased game): You can send it e.g. to mail “easyrpg easyrpg org” or to “Ghabry” on Discord, we promise to not publish it. By now we only have “happy customers” :wink:

Or create a minimal example.

Thank you!

Of course! This is a game I’m making and it’s still in development, so tonight I’ll put together a lighter version and send it;)


Mail sent!

Hi Ghabry!

I shared a link with my game, so that you can see the game and error for yourself.

There are 2 errors and both can be seen when starting a new game. In the first, after the intro (it does not matter if you advance it or not), the next screen will show the black background and the character that the game presents, however, when using the latest Easy RPG build, Zerra (main character) will be seen, since the command “move Screen down 1 tile” is not executed. After that section, in the rain part, there will again be an error: Zerra will walk but, just before looking at the door that opens, she will go up and go through the wall (even though that instruction is not given).

In both cases the music bug also occurs, although I understand that they have already identified it and are fixing it.

The error does not occur with Easy RPG official version 0.6.2 nor official version 0.6.3.

I have not tested other sections of the game to see if any similar errors happen, but will report if I see anything.

I hope you can identify the error.


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to resolve some confusion: EasyRPG Player is not the official engine of RPG Maker 2000/2003, we just try to be compatible.

I tested this now with:

  • RPG_RT 1.12a (the latest official engine release, available on Steam)
  • Our latest release
  • 0.6.2 continuous build (the naming is a bit confusing this is actually newer than ;))

About the Screen Pan: This is indeed a new bug in our continuous build

About walking against the door:
In RPG_RT 1.12a the actor walks against the wall for me.
So this is a bug in that we fixed.
This means you must fix your game here by adding one more move right step.

Perfect, thank you very much for the answer =D

I understand that Easyrpg is not the official tool, but I got used to using it by default, that’s why the door error probably happened to me… :stuck_out_tongue: I already fixed it.

Good that you were able to identify the screen pan bug, hopefully they can fix it.

Thank you very much for the feedback and for the constant support, dedication and development of Easy RPG =)

Created an issue now: Zerra’s Adventure: Screen Pan not working properly · Issue #2652 · EasyRPG/Player (

Unfortunately you found an edge-case in our rewritten screen scrolling code that is only triggered when:

  • The screen can not freely scroll because you are close to a map border
  • The screen was panned

So fixing this without breaking anything else is hard but we will try :confused:

Hello there!! Sorry about the delay in responding. I see … bad luck ha ha ha: P

Anyway, don’t worry !! The fix was super simple and I will be attentive to those particular cases when updating to the new version of Easy RPG when it is released.

You don’t need to try to fix it if it’s so unusual, don’t worry. Thanks for the feedback and for your hard work !!

Good news: The problem will be fixed in 0.7.0 which will be released very soon :slight_smile:

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Great news!! Wow … you guys are really doing a very meticulous job … thank you very much, I will be looking forward to the release of version 0.7.0 !!