
Hey guys !
For my formation’s last year I had to do a datamining program, so I did an Android application (thanks for the things I learnt with EasyRPG :slight_smile: ).
It’s a recommandation application: indicate the movie you like and after 7 likes it starts to give you personalized recommandations based on a lot of criteria :p. … .nextmovie

Enjoy, don’t hesitate to leave a 5 stars rating for my presentation next week hahaha.
Good evening :).

How was the presentation? A mark? :smiley:

The professor liked it and… invited us to Google Paris :p. It was quite impressive !

@BlisterB, please help us handling the French “invasion”

@Ghabry don’t worry I’m showing them how all the thing works. They’ll do some things such as UX improvements, add the support of gamepads I hope (I’m secretly praying that one of them add the support of Graddle hahaha).

I also propose to change the triskelion logo with a baguette. Baguette RPG.