Hi all.
I just discovered your player, and I’m absolutely amazed by all your work… you guys are GENIUSES!
I have a game project currently in development using RM2K with the BetterAPE patch and was wondering how to port it to your player. When using it, I can no longer load a saved game nor force exit the game, so my custom title screen is broken.
So my question is: How can I restore these functions to repair my custom title screen?
Additionally, I’ve noticed a different behavior between your player and the original RPG_RT.exe regarding item equipment:
When attempting to equip an item on a hero that is not able to wear it, the original RPG_RT will ignore the command, but your player will equip it. I’m not sure if this is intentional or not, so I wanted to ask.
Thank you again for your AMAZING tool!
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Hi, thank you for showing your interest in EasyRPG!
Currently EasyRPG does not support a lot of patches, and BetterAPE is not one of them, though it should still be possible to work around this to still make your game skip the title scene and be able to load and exit.
By creating a file called EasyRPG.ini in the folder of your game, and then adding the following content it it:
The title screen that should normally be displayed with RPG Maker 2000 will be skipped, and you should be able to use RPG Maker 2003 commands within your game while using it with EasyRPG. From there, you can use the English RPG Maker 2003 to put the commands Open Load Screen and Exit Game in place of your variables editing (though you should probably make sure to backup your game and make sure to not update your game or your database while using RPG Maker 2003), and your title scene should work like it did with your game while using the patch.
When attempting to equip an item on a hero that is not able to wear it, the original RPG_RT will ignore the command, but your player will equip it. I’m not sure if this is intentional or not, so I wanted to ask.
This is a known issue and is not intentional, it seems that no check is currently done when trying to equip an item for that, it will probably be fixed in a later version (see issue #2902).
Thank you very much for the information! I’m gonna try this 
Thanks to your guidance, I was able to replicate the same functionality in Easy RPG as I had with BetterAEP.
I also noticed that you’ve resolved the equipment issue.
I just wanted to express my gratitude to the entire team for your dedication and hard work. Thank you, everyone!