Well hello again

Hi, first of all, I apologize, I know this is usually prohibited in most of the forums, but I had no option. I’m Mr.Faq, I registered another account because I forgot my original account’s password and when trying to reset it, the mail with the new password has never arrived. So I made another account with another email address I own and here I am (that’s not what actually happened, but I skip most of the stuff just not to make it too long, you know). Gotta say, I still like the project and still want to collaborate, but I’m pretty messed up with everyday routine so I usually end up doing nothing of interest, and that’s why my last post with the other account was last year… I apologize for that too.
Anyway, just wanted to say that I’m back. Let’s see how may I fix the subject related to the other account, and I’ll try to make some tests with the player. Greetings

Welcome back Mr.Faq. We can send a reset password from your old account, maybe the email used is wrong. Sorry for the reply delay.

No problem with that.
About the email, the forum tells you if the email address you’re trying to reset an account with is wrong in the corresponding case, so I have no idea of why didn’t I receive the email

Your existing user seems to be Mr.Faq2014 and your email starts with mr.f2013netman**********.

Yup, that’s correct. Do you want me to send the resetting password email again?

A new password reset has been sent. Please check spam folders and the “Everything” folder in GMail.

I am an idiot…

This is the most embarrasing thing that ever happened to me… I really apologize for this, I can’t believe I haven’t seen it even once…

Gmail is hiding some subscriptions and forum messages into new tabs, hidden from the main view. This change is confusing lots of people, GMail failed with the user experience, not you, so don’t worry :wink: .

That’s kinda comforting, thank you :slight_smile:
Well, from now on I’ll be using this account again. About the other one, I don’t know if you can erase it or it’s me who has to erase it, but it’s the least important thing right now so now I’ll go to do some tests with the player