Yume nikki android

Hello. I would like to help make yume nikki 100% playable for android and what i see now its almost done already.
Quick testing of this player shows that besides small flaws it runs perfectly. Rooms edges are not looping, wake up button needs to bee added and maby more?
I made it new topic to see is there others interested about this.

Hi. Feel free to report all bugs you find in the issue tracker.

Support for additional buttons is in progress. But there is no estimation when this will be finished.

I’m using GK+ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.locnet.gamekeyboard2 and every key is now working.
I’ve manually remapped Z, X, 1, 3, 5 and 9 to physical buttons on my android portable console.

BTW, for the devs, here’s the full keys list of Yume Nikki:
Z: Accept; interact with objects (also Enter, Spacebar)
X: Cancel; open the game menu (also C, V, B, N, Insert)
1: Use an effect’s ability
3: Cancel an effect’s ability
5: Drop an effect on the ground (only in the Nexus)
9: Pinch yourself to wake up and return to the real world

Obviously there’s also the “Esc” key, but, unfortunately, even with the remapping on, it can’t be detected during NASU, causing a freeze since you can’t quit it without closing the entire game. (Normally to quit the NASU minigame you’ve to hold Esc).
I’m also positive that the free Hacker’s Keyboard https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.pocketworkstation.pckeyboard could be a good test app to find working key-invoke commands.

It’s s been awhile since i checked out progress. It seems yume nikki is now playable via android :smiley:
I add little instruction here although these all can be found by searching:

  1. install latest apk from here(update fixed looping background) :https://easy-rpg.org/jenkins/job/player-android/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/builds/android/bin/EasyRpgPlayerActivity.apk
    2.put yume nikki to easyrpg/game folder via android file explorer.
  2. Long press game in easyrpg and choose Japanese. Thanks: Ghabry
  3. Remap necessary keys from above post(thank you evonture ) before launching game.
  4. Play.
    Hope this helps someone.
    PS. Thanks for all devs :slight_smile:

Instead of manually editing the Encoding you can Long Press the game in the EasyRPG Game Browser.

Looping maps and improved Panoramas (the background on some maps) is coming with the upcoming 0.3 release in ca. a week. Then Yume should be really full playable.

[quote=“Ghabry”]Instead of manually editing the Encoding you can Long Press the game in the EasyRPG Game Browser.

Looping maps and improved Panoramas (the background on some maps) is coming with the upcoming 0.3 release in ca. a week. Then Yume should be really full playable.[/quote]
Thanks for info.
Loopping background is fixed in this version i mentioned.
i may add in FC world or in mars cant change effects.
i eagerly wait for 0.3 :D.